New arrivals

We are happy to welcome new members to our group. Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn joins us as part of an IceLab multidisciplinary postdoc program team that includes PIs Peter Lind, Ludvig Lizana, and Björn Schröder. Lucas Santana Souza joins us as part of Kempe funded postdoc on the evolution of endosymbioses.

We are happy to welcome new members to our group. Josephine Solowiej-Wedderburn joins us as part of an IceLab multidisciplinary postdoc program team that includes PIs Peter Lind, Ludvig Lizana, and Björn Schröder. Lucas Santana Souza joins us as part of Kempe funded postdoc on the evolution of endosymbioses.

Eric Libby
Eric Libby
Associate professor

My research addresses how simple organisms evolve to be complex.