IceLab camp
A research camp with about 20 Master’s, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral researchers coming together to initiate new cross-disciplinary collaborations.

IceLab Camp (co-organizer with Martin Rosvall and Gabrielle Beans)
Many grand research challenges of the future exist in the unexplored terrain between traditional disciplines. IceLab Camp prepares early career scientists for the multidisciplinary endeavour.
We approach research questions from different scientific directions through cumulative cycles of generation, analysis, rejection, and acceptance of ideas, and, in the collaborative process of repeatedly zooming in on the details and out on the big picture, improve each participant’s ability to express ideas, give and take constructive criticism, and interact with researchers from a wide range of backgrounds.
Participants work in multidisciplinary teams to develop a small research project and write it up in a proposal. We use the first day or two to converge on different research questions and the following days to find the best theoretical or experimental framework to answer those questions. On the last day, we review each team’s proposal. Between sessions of project work, we sandwich in various exercises and interactive games to break open the boundaries of creativity.
The camp takes place at beautiful Granö Beckasin, an eco-hotel surrounded by nature, upriver from Umeå, during the peak of autumn splendor. Course sessions are held in the treetop glass meeting room, and group work is done anywhere you find inspiration. Take nature walks for brain breaks, or a cold river swim after a sauna on the last night.
Last offered: Fall 2024 (offered every fall)